The free Bayline runs seven days a week from 6:30am–10pm Monday - Saturday (with 15 minute frequency) and 9am - 9pm Sunday (30 minute frequency since the Aeropark NMC Campus Bayline - BUS B - does not run on Sundays).  From East Bay Beach District to downtown Traverse City, plus a connection to Grand Traverse Commons and Meijer:  The Bayline takes you where you need to go, for free!  Click here for the printable Bayline schedule and map.



Do you carry a mobile device?  Find your bus using the Transit App or Google Maps Transit.  You may also visit to follow the GPS tracker on your bus as it moves along the route to your stop. 



BATA Service Alert: The new Traverse City Senior Center is opening on Feb. 3, 2025. To celebrate the opening of this great new facility BATA will be temporarily deviating the outbound Bayline Aero Park eastbound loop to the front entrance of the building Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. This deviation will last for 2 weeks and may continue based on ridership and usage. 


Download the new Bayline and City Loops schedules here:

Bayline Map:


The Aeropark Bayline timetable is below (the green highlights do not operate on Sunday).  





Updated: 02.03.25