Grand Traverse & Leelanau County Service
Do you carry a mobile device? Find your bus using the Transit App or Google Maps Transit. You may also visit to follow the GPS tracker on your bus as it moves along the route to your stop. To add convenience, you may pay for your ride using your phone with the Journey App. Please download today!
Printable Maps and schedules:
Route 12: Traverse City to Interlochen (hourly service all day M-F, Saturday outbounds start at 7:30am!)
Route 16: Old Mission Peninsula (seasonal, September - June)
Route 31: Hammond Road and Supply Road (seasonal, September - June)
Village Loops have the flexibility for deviations and flag stops along the BATA bus route. This means that riders can call BATA at (231) 941-2324 to schedule a pickup or drop off up to ¾ of a mile off the normal route path. Plus, riders can simply wave the bus down along the route and board the bus or ask the driver to stop anywhere along the loop transportation route to depart the bus.
Route Maps & Schedules Effective: 02/20/2025
Grand Traverse & Leelanau County BATA Bus Routes & Schedules
Route 10 - Suttons Bay
Riders to Empire, Leland, Lake Leelanau, Omena, and Northport should request a ride using BATA Link.
Route 11 - Traverse City to Glen Arbor
Traverse City's Hall Street Transfer Station to Glen Arbor. This bus will fit three(3) bikes and connects Traverse City with the Glen Arbor bus shelter on Oak Street.
ALERT: Route 11/Leelanau Flex will depart Hall Street at 7:15am, depart Glen Arbor at 8:30am, depart Hall Street at 2:00pm, and depart Glen Arbor at 3:00pm. Download the full timetables here.
11 - Leelanau Flex - Glen Lake Schools:
- 7:45 a.m. – Departure from M-72 MDOT Park-n-Ride Lot
- 8:00 a.m. – Arrival at Glen Lake School
- 3:15/3:17 p.m. – Departure from Glen Lake School
- 3:30 p.m. – Arrival at M-72 MDOT Park-n-Ride Lot
- Half day departure at 11:40 a.m. with a 11:55/Noon arrival at the M-72 MDOT Park-n-Ride Lot
Route 11 will NOT operate during the following Glen Lake School holidays (OR on any Glen Lake School closure Days for inclement weather - see for closure information on days that are questionable - a school closure pop-up window will be there if schools are closed):
Nov 28, 29, Thanksgiving
Dec 23-Jan 3 - Glen Lake Schools Holiday Break
Jan 20 MLK Day
Feb 17th Presidents Day
March 21-28 - Glen Lake Schools Spring Break
May 26th Memorial Day
ALERT: Route 11/Leelanau Flex will depart Hall Street at 7:20am, depart Glen Arbor at 8:30am, depart Hall Street at 2:00pm, and depart Glen Arbor at 3:00pm. Download the full timetables here.
Route 12 - Traverse City to Interlochen
Route 13 - Traverse City to Kingsley
(NEW schedule beginning Tuesday, Sept 3rd. Connect to Kingsley almost every hour using Route 2!)
* Indian Trails travels directly between BATA's Hall Street Station in Traverse City to Kingsley seven days a week, departing TC at 10:40am and arriving Kingsley Laundromat at 11:10am. Visit Indian Trails' updated schedule here.
* Indian Trails travels directly between BATA's Hall Street Station in Traverse City to Kingsley seven days a week, arriving in TC at 7:05pm after departing Kingsley Laundromat at 6:35pm. Visit Indian Trails' updated schedule here.
Route 14 - Traverse City to Cherry Capital Airport and Acme
NOTE: Last fare free day is Friday, Nov. 1.
NEW! BATA WEST FLEX will have hourly service, 8am-2:30pm Monday-Friday between Hall Street, West Front Street, Munson Hospital, Oleson's West, Brookside Commons, YMCA, and Meijer - with deviation possibilities between 8am and 2pm along Medical Campus Drive, W. Royal Drive, Long Lake Rd, and Silver Lake Rd.
*Morning and afternoon runs to West Senior High School and The Children's House are seasonal and WEST will not be in service for those hours on dates where school is not in session for students. This includes snow days, summer/winter/spring breaks, holidays, teacher planning days, etc. There are no deviations permitted and fixed stops are limited on those morning and afternoon school runs.
*Morning and afternoon runs to West Senior High School and The Children's House are seasonal and WEST will not be in service for those hours on dates where school is not in session for students. This includes snow days, holidays, teacher planning days, etc. There are no deviations permitted and fixed stops are limited on those morning and afternoon school runs.
If you have questions or to schedule deviations, please call BATA at: 231.941.2324. Google Maps, Apple Maps, the Transit App, and will all provide live bus schedule information for BATA's Village Loops.
Plan your day with an easy to read timetable of stop locations for your route.